
Data Privacy and Ethics

Masters Course, Stanford University
Win. 2021, Win. 2022

I guest lectured, led discussion sections and held office hours.

Linear Algebra

Undergraduate Course, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
Sum. 2016

I designed a new undergraduate linear algebra course and served as its lecturer for its inaugural term. I also helped develop a new TAing system for the university, which allowed scaling the TA system to meet teaching demands.

Data Science Certification

Professional Development, Stanford University

I served as the Subject Matter Expert for Stanford’s data science certification program for professionals, in conjunction with Stanford’s Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering.

Matrix Methods

Undergraduate Course, Stanford University

Over the course of several months, I designed a new linear algebra course from scratch, preparing lectures, interactive labs, homework assignments, etc. Once the course was developed, I served as a teaching assistant, where I led labs and discussion sections, held office hours, and graded assignments. The class now regularly enrolls hundreds of students and has been incorporated as a core math requirement into Stanford School of Engineering’s general engineering requirements. My contributions were later incorporated into the textbook Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra.

Convex Optimization

Masters and PhD Course, Stanford University
Win. 2015, Win. 2016

I held office hours and wrote exam questions.

Programming Methodologies

Undergraduate Course, Stanford University
Fall 2013

I taught interactive lab sessions, held office hours, and graded assignments and exams.